Checking in and out of every shift on the Spotwork app is very important. It is the only way Spotwork can track how many hours you have worked. In order to be paid correctly you need to check in and out of EVERY shift.
Note: For their own internal use, businesses may also require you to check in and out on their systems. If you do so, you must additionally always check in and out on the Spotwork app. Checking in and out on the Spotwork app is the only way to ensure you get paid correctly.
Two types of check-in and out functions
There are two ways you may be asked to check-in:
With a code (from a company)
Without a code
Both methods of checking in and out require you to:
Open the app
Go to 'My Jobs' located on the bottom menu
Go to the 'Hired' tab at the top of the screen and select the shift
Select 'Check-in'
If a check-in code is required:
You will be prompted to enter the code. You will need to get this code from the company once you are on site.
The code is different for each day. You will need to get the new check-in code every shift.
If no check-in code is required, simply select check-in.
How to check-out while you are at the job location:
Note: You can only check-out if you are at the job location. If you have left the location, you must edit your start and end time. If you are checking out during a shift (i.e., feeling unwell or sent home) follow the instructions in this section.
You can check-out after your shift ends while you are at the job location or during your scheduled shift. Open the app. Select "My Jobs" located in the bottom menu. Select the "Hired" tab located in the top menu. Select "Check-out".
Edit the check-in and out times if necessary. "Select "Edit check-in/out times".
If a check-out code is required, retrieve the code from the company and click "Check-out".
In the event that you leave the job site without checking out of the app, follow the instructions below to submit your hours:
Open the app.
Select "My Jobs" located in the bottom menu.
Select "Check-out".
After selecting "Check-out", a message will appear that states you can no longer check out. Click "Submit hours".
Edit the check-in and out times if required. Select "Edit check-in/out times".